My Address

Sister Breanna Hawkey
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro 20
00141 Rome Italy

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

How are you all doing this week? Life here is great, as usual! Last week I learned so many amazing things at 3 month conference. President and Sister Acerson are seriously amazing! I love being able to spend time with and learn from them. Another of their daughters reports to the MTC today, and their son is going on his mission this summer, so soon they'll have 3 of their 6 kids on missions. It was also so much fun to see my MTC group and catch up on our first 3 months in the mission. My MTC district was amazing and I love them all so much! We also talked to some really cool people on the train there that live in Livorno, and the Livorno sisters were able to get a new investigator from it! The Assistants also taught great workshops. They're amazing. They're all scared of me, though. Apparently, some people think I'm bossy. So all the elders from the MTC are used to my bossiness, and they do what I tell them to do. Apparently all weekend I was bossing them around to help with dinner, or clean up the dishes, or clean up the chairs, etc. The Assistants kept laughing at me and they told me that they have fear for my children.
Sunday we had lunch with the Gianelli family, the family we spent Christmas with. They are such an amazing family! I seriously love the branch here so much! They are so small, but so strong and so willing to serve.
Monday we got a new investigator! Her name's Ada, and she's from the Dominican Republic. She knew the missionaries there about 20 years ago, and was introduced to us through another person that we found awhile back. We had a great lesson with her the other day, and she wants to learn more! She also asked if she could have a copy of the Book of Mormon for her son. I'm excited to be working with her.
Yesterday we had an appointment with Rita. She's doing much better this week and is starting to overcome some of her depression. She has a friend named Valentina, who is also struggling with a lot of things in her life. Valentina was talking to Rita and asking where she could find peace and happiness. Rita told her about us and the gospel and invited Valentina to our appointment yesterday! Valentina doesn't necessarily want to change religions right now, but she's open to hearing more. They both told me that I'm like an angel and that my presence brings serenity to them. So even though I'm bossy, at least I help people, too!
We had an appointment yesterday with Johanna and Carla. Johanna wasn't there. She called us during the appointment and said that she doesn't have time to meet with us anymore. It makes me so sad! They're such an amazing family and the Gospel will help them so much! She said she still wants to see us ocassionally, though, which is good. And we had a great appointment with Carla, who still wants to take the lessons. I have a lot of hope for this family.
Anyways, those are a few highlights from my week. I've been thinking a lot about the Book of Mormon lately, and it's importance in our lives. The Book of Mormon truly is the word of God, and we can truly get to know our Savior by reading it. I know without doubt that reading it every day will bless our lives inmeasurably. (I don't even know if that's a word, but you get the point!) So, my family... I would like you all to commit to read the Book of Mormon every day, both as a family for those of you at home, and individually. I know it will bless all aspects of your lives. You will feel the Spirit stronger in your life. You will gain a greater testimony of the Gospel. And most importantly, you will come closer to your Savior Jesus Christ. So, will you read the Book of Mormon everyday? (You can email me this week with your answers.) I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know it was translated by a true prophet, Joseph Smith. I know without doubt that my Savior lives. I know He suffered for me personally, and for each one of us as individuals. The Atonement is so personal, so powerful, and so real. Take advantage of it. We've been given the great blessing of the Atonement, so we need to use it. When Elder Robert C. Oaks spoke to us in our zone conference, he compared it the getting a brand new porsche. If you were given a new porsche, you wouldn't just park it in the garage and never even look at it or use it. You would drive it around and take full advantage of this amazing gift. We've been given the Atonement, and we need to use it to the fullest in our lives, both for our sins and weaknesses, and our pains, sorrows and afflictions.
Vi voglio tantissimo bene! Buona Settimana!
Sorella Hawkey

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