My Address

Sister Breanna Hawkey
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro 20
00141 Rome Italy

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 5, 2009

Another week come and gone. It goes by so fast! I'm almost at my year mark! Last Wednesday, we went to go do email, but the server was down, so we decided to go into centro and come back to do email later. Then we went to wait for the bus, but no bus passed! 3 busses were supposed to have passed in the time we were waiting, but none did. So then we decided to walk. A few minutes into our walk, we ran into Dielle! She was having a really hard day, and just the few minutes that we talked with her really helped her. Then we were in a store looking around, and we ran into Sabrina, an investigator who stopped progressing but now wants to meet with us again! It's always so amazing how the Lord always puts us where he wants us. If the email had been working, we wouldn't have seen either Dielle or Sabrina.
We have another new investigator, who is amazing! Her name's Nataliya. She's from Ukraine. She's 27 and has been married a little over a month. She comes to english class, and a few weeks ago during the spiritual thought, she raised her hand and asked where she could get a copy of the Book of Mormon, which was where our thought was from. We gave her a copy in Italian and a copy of the Joseph Smith pamphlet in Russian, and set up an appointment. By the time we had an appointment the next morning, she had read 2 chapters from the Book of Mormon and the entire Joseph Smith pamphlet. We brought her a Book of Mormon in Russian, which she was really excited about. We had another appointment yesterday. She had read the first 7 chapters of 1 Nephi and had great questions for us! She brings the Book of Mormon on the bus with her around town and reads it every day! She believes that these things are true and really wants to come to church. Unfortunately, she's going out of town for 3 weeks with her husband, but is taking the Book of Mormon with her to read on the trip!
Saturday we had another baptism in the branch! It's the 4th and 5th we've had in 6 weeks! It's a beautiful couple, Giuseppe and Lili. Lili is Chinese and hardly speaks Italian, but is so cute! It was also the 2nd anniversary of Sorella Bucholtz's baptism.
Our other investigators are doing well. Dielle came to church Sunday! She hasn't been for awhile, because the girls have been really sick lately, but she came and really enjoyed it. I think she's realizing how much better her week goes when she comes to church. Vera is about ready to have her baby, and is doing great. We're still trying to think of baby names. We haven't had a lesson with her husband there yet, but hopefully soon. The work is going great. This Gospel is so amazing!
Vi voglio tanto bene!
Sorella Hawkey

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