My Address

Sister Breanna Hawkey
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro 20
00141 Rome Italy

Saturday, August 1, 2009

July 29, 2009

Ciao a tutti!Another week of hard work and great moments. Thursday we took brownies to our friend Franco, who works for the Catholic church. He had been having a horrible day, and was really grateful for the reminder that his Heavenly Father loves him. I love being able to be an instrument in His hands to bless His children! But the best part of the visit was when he told us that his mom had found the Book of Mormon that we had given him and is reading it and loves it! Every night when Franco gets home from mass, she tells him what she read that day and how great the book is. She's out of town for a couple weeks, but Franco wants us to go visit her when she gets back! Vera is doing great! We had a beautiful first lesson with her. She is very sincere in her desire to know the truthfulness of these things. We met her husband on Sunday, and he completely accepts us. We're hoping to have an appointment with him there too this week. She's about ready to pop with her baby. At the end of the appointment we asked if there's anything we can do for her. She said, "Just think of baby names. I can't decide on anything, so you guys pick some out for me." So now we're trying to think of baby names. It's pretty fun! It's a boy, if anyone has any suggestions. Our friend, Austin, is from Nigeria and is an investigator of the elders who is working towards baptism. He's awesome! I love the Nigerians so much! A while back the elders were teaching him the law of chastity. In the middle of the lesson, he pulled out his phone and started calling someone. The elders were so confused and wondered if that was him trying to get the elders to leave or something. He was calling his girlfriend, and he broke up with her right then and there during the lesson and told her that he was going to keep the law of chastity for the rest of his life, so they couldn't be together anymore. The Nigerians are so full of faith, and are so willing to be obedient. They are such amazing examples. Sunday we were doing some finding work downtown with the elders, and Nertil came to visit us. I talked to him for a long time, and he told me how the day he met me and Sister Millis was the worst day of his life. He was depressed and wondering if he would ever find God in his life. He bore his testimony to me that it wasn't a coincidence that we were both on the bus at the same time. He knew that Heavenly Father led us together so that we could teach him the Restored Gospel. He thanked us for talking to him that day on the bus, and said "My life has never been the same since that day." Yesterday in zone conference, the assistants talked about how in the preexistance, we were given the opportunity to come to earth and have the gospel in our lives. But our best friends didn't have that privilege, so we promised them that we would go find them. I'm here finding my best friends and bringing the gospel to them. It's such a privilege. Just as Nertil's life has never been the same, my life will never be the same because of my mission. It's changed my life forever. I love you all. Thanks for your prayers! Have a great week!Sorella Hawkey

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